






長谷小学校は廃校になりましたが、キャンパスに残されたものがたくさんあります。昔、ここはきっとにぎやかな談笑につつまれました。楽しむ子どもたちの姿がまるで目の前にあるような感じがします。これらのかわいい飾りを見た後、思わず私の小学校のごろを思い出しました。研修旅行の日、グループのみんなさんが一緒にプレゼンテーションの内容を相談し、むかしの「ゆうぎしつ」に楽しい時間を過ごしました。私にとって一番印象が深いのは渡辺先生のレクチャーです。彼のレクチャーを聞いた後、私はきれいな川にすることの必要性を了解し、良い水質が求めるの苦労を知らなければなりません。彼の環境意識には心から敬服させられます。自然環境を保護することについて、続けるのが大切だと思います。また、私たちの生活は、環境を破壊するのに十分な破壊力を持 って、一人ひとりが地球環境に与える影響を軽減させるような生活を心がけることが何よりも重要だと思います。

















2つめに歴史的背景を前面に押し出していくことで 神宿橋のような日本固有の文化や伝統を感じられる観光スポットとして紹介することである。私はこのような日本の歴史を感じさせる建造物は外国人には非常にいい観光スポットとして宣伝できると考えた。例えば、 神宿橋の独特な所は何か、この橋にだけ使われた様式はあるかといったこの橋ならではの特徴を分析し、風や雨にさらされているのになぜ100年近く昔のまま壊れないでいるのかのかといった建築的な観点等、色んな観点から見て紹介する方法もあるのではないか。そして日本に深い関心を持っている外国人も多くいる。なるべく彼らの目にとまるように大分県の情報誌や近くの道の駅の観光案内所のような場所で神宿橋の素晴らしさを伝える記事を書いて掲載すればきっと興味を持ってもらえてそこから柴北の様々な素晴らしさに気づいてくれることだろう。

それと、日本人の関心が必要だろう。日本人にとっては「あんな橋なんてどこにでもある普通の橋じゃない?」という風にみたいに見えるかもしれない。そんな認識を変えるためには一体どんな方法で 神宿橋を宣伝すればいいのかも考えてみるべきだと思う。認識が変われば 神宿橋 みたいな日本の歴史が生きている建物を守るための人や団体が増えるかもしれない。

日本には 神宿橋 のような建物が多いと知っている。我々が少しだけ関心を持てばその関心が大きな結果となって現れるのではないのかと期待して見るのもよいかもしれない。



How to fight depopulation issues in Nagatani Area: Analysis and Ideas

Let’s do a quiz. Which is more, the number of shrines or the number of convenience stores in Japan? The answer is shrines.

The number of shrines listed in the Agency for Cultural Affairs' "Religious Annual Report" is 88.585. Convenience stores, on the other hand, have 55.322 stores nationwide.

So why have shrines lost their importance so much?

Probably it’s because people rarely visit shrines. In recent years, famous shrines have been famous and waved the constantly rising tourism economy, and others have been buried from the eyesight of people.

First, it comes out that there are two types of shrines that are dealing with tourism properly:

  1. Shrines with historical value and well-known names
  2. Shrines with unique characteristics

First, there are Izumo Tasha Shrine, Ise Jingu Shrine and Takachiho Shrine, the birthplace of myths in Kyushu, which are historically valuable and well-known shrines. Although, the shrines are attractive because they look gorgeous, tourists flock to them in search of the value of the most famous god.

Generally, shrines earn money by selling prayer money, offering money, amulets and ema, but some large shrines also advertise shichi-go-san and wedding ceremonies. According to data released by the National Police Agency, 98.18 million people in total come to major shrines and temples throughout Japan on their first visit, which is nearly 80 percent of Japan's population.The income from famous shrines during the New Year's visit will be very large.

The second shrine has a unique feature, a shrine whose name is not well- known, but which attracts tourists with its charm that no other shrine has.

For example, there are some shrines that have great good luck, some that often have bad luck, and some that have a golden torii.

So, in which category could we put Kumano-Jinja Shrine or Aso-Jinja Shrine, the major shrines we have seen during our last field trip?



They easily could be put in the second category, shrines with unique characteristics.

The biggest characteristic of Kumano- jinja Shrine was that the characters were engraved on the cliffs, so a good idea could be selling a model including the cliffs. We just mentioned that big shrines promote shichi-go-san and wedding ceremonies. The wedding itself may still be difficult, but if you buy a model of it at the time of marriage and carve the names of the husband and wife, or if you carve the names of the children at the time of their birth, it will be a lifetime anniversary.




Up here we just analyzed the situation of japanese shrines and we just talked about how to try to solve the depopulation problem through some actions, in order to attract tourism and revitalize the local economy. The first step, however, is to do a good fundraising campaign, or all of these ideas could be impossible to realize due to lack of money.

I Social Network’s era, it is really important to learn the importance of these instruments and to use them as a powerful instrument to reach our objectives.  In our case, a good Social media strategy could lead us to let the people of Kyūshū, of Japan and of the entire world, capable to know that here, in Ōita Prefecture, there is a vast amount of historical and cultural spots that otherwise could not be known by anyone.

As we have learned during class, the hardest thing to revive this kind of areas is money. Government is not giving the proper help to inaka areas to let the depopulation finish.

However, in recent times, a new and innovative way to raise money has been created: Crowdfunding.

Using websites and safe payment method such as Paypal, it is possible to show the entire Nagatani beauty, together with our ideas to promote and improve the local economy and tourism, to the whole world and ask a contribute. 

World’s most famous crowdfunding websites in Japan are ReadyFor , Makuake and Campfire, buti f we want to reach a bigger crowd all over the world, the most suggested platform is surely Kickstarter.

The more this heritage will be seen by the people through the internet, the more money and tourism could reach the area, letting the project be possible and affordable, even without government’s funds.

By AlbertoLPU and なべさん